Studying for the Ontario Bar Exams presents unique challenges and pressures. With the added stress and uncertainty of COVID-19, these challenges and pressures may seem amplified, particularly as the exams have migrated to an online platform for the first time. To demystify the new process, Bar Exam Crackers has put together the following overview of what to expect for the online exams.

Online Bar Examinations: General Information
The Law Society of Ontario (LSO) is administering the Ontario Bar Exams online until the end of December 2020. The 2020-21 examinations are written on two different days and candidates have 4 hours to complete each exam. The online Bar Exams take place on a digital platform called “MonitorEDU.” It is a secure, browser-based platform that locks down candidates’ computers so that only the exam can be accessed during the examination period. Prior to each exam, candidates will be contacted by MonitorEDU and connected with a Proctor who will verify candidate identification and monitor candidates through audio and two cameras: the computer’s webcam and a smartphone camera. Candidates receive fulsome instructions on how to connect with their Proctor and set up their computer and smartphone prior to each exam.
Information about the configuration of the exam can be found on the LSO’s website, here:
An overview of the online delivery model, the accompanying technical requirements and the scheduled dates for the upcoming Bar Exams can be found on the LSO’s website, here:
An overview of the rules and protocol for the exams can be found on the LSO’s website, here:
Preparing for the Online Ontario Bar Examinations
The Examination Day
Ultimately, Bar Exam Crackers understands that this is a challenging time for licensing candidates. Our tutors are well-equipped and available to provide support and assistance while you navigate your exams. In addition, practice makes perfect and for access to updated online 2020 practice questions and tests broken down by individual topics, please check out
To all candidates, see you on the other side and all the best with your Ontario bar exam preparation!