We understand that it can be overwhelming when you first receive the bar exam material and you may be unsure about where to start. We suggest you do the following three things before you start studying for the Barrister and Solicitor Bar Exams:


  1. Organize your materials. Check out our tips on how to organize the Barrister and Solicitor Bar Exam materials to optimize your efficiency and save time.
  2. Indexing. Check out our advice on the factors you should consider when deciding whether to join an indexing group with your peers or to purchase an index.
  3. Develop a study plan. Check out our tips on factors you should consider when making your personalized study plan and consult our sample study plans.


Our experienced tutors can also assist you with organizing your bar exam materials and developing a personalized study plan to fit your specific needs. Please contact us to find out more about our tutoring packages.