Preparing for the Ontario Solicitor’s Exam means mastering a broad range of subject areas, from real estate and estate planning to business law. The key to success is not only knowing the law but also having a strong understanding of rules of professional conduct and professional responsibility topics. Here’s how you can structure your study plan to meet these challenges and hit that passing score with confidence.

Recommended Study Time for the Ontario Solicitor Exam

Start Early, Cover All Competencies

The Ontario Barrister and Solicitor exams test more than just knowledge; they also assess your ability to apply professional responsibility and legal principles to real-world scenarios. When preparing for the solicitor exam, many candidates find that starting 1.5 – 2 months before their exam date allows ample time to cover all the necessary materials without feeling rushed (however, you may need longer to prepare if you are juggling multiple commitments leading up to the exam).

Set realistic daily goals—whether it’s 30/40/50 pages a day of study material—to thoroughly review key subject areas like business law, estate planning, and professional responsibility. Aim to complete your initial reading well before the exam date. This approach provides extra time to revisit any challenging topics, such as specific rules for real estate transactions, and complete additional practice questions, making your review time more effective.

Ultimately, the time you dedicate to studying should align with your personal schedule. Many candidates find it helpful to study for a few hours daily, with longer, focused review sessions as the exam date approaches. The key is consistency—regular study sessions lead to better retention and a deeper understanding of the material, rather than cramming at the last minute.

Customizing Your Study Materials

Because the solicitor exam is open-book, how you organize your study materials can significantly impact your performance. The exam doesn’t test your memory but your ability to find the correct answer quickly. This is where Bar Exam Crackers’ Ontario Bar Exam Summaries come into play. Some candidates use these on the day of the exam as the summaries help provide candidates with concise overviews of key legal concepts across various subject areas.

We also recommend utilizing an index on the day of the exam. An effective index will allow you to quickly locate applicable page in the LSO material when answering a question. In addition, it’s important to know which study material you will utilize when answering specific questions. For example, if a question arises about business law tax matters, you should know whether you will turn to an index to locate the appropriate page in the bar material to answer the question or utilize a separate table or chart you may have brought into the exam. This strategy is especially critical in a time crunch exam. 

Practice is Key

Another crucial component of preparing for the Ontario Solicitor exams is practice exams. Practicing regularly helps you get a feel for the pacing you’ll need to complete the test in the allotted time and using your resources effectively to answer questions. Once you’ve finished reviewing the main subject areas, like business law or real estate, tackle related Ontario Bar Exam practice questions.

We recommend doing a mix of subject specific questions and full-length practice exams. Full-length practice under timed conditions will help you get comfortable with the format and improve your speed. Remember, the barrister exam and solicitor exam both come with time constraints, so time management is key to reaching a passing score.

Final Two Weeks: Review and Refine

In the last two weeks before the exam, focus on the areas that need more attention. If estate law or real estate law still feels shaky, use your solicitor materials and Ontario Bar Exam Summaries to review critical concepts. You should also keep practicing with questions during this period to ensure you’re able to apply your knowledge quickly on exam day.

Your Path to Success with Bar Exam Crackers

The Ontario Solicitor’s Exam is not just a test of your legal knowledge; it’s about your ability to act as a lawyer, manage cases, and provide accurate, timely advice to clients. By starting well in advance of your Ontario bar exam date, organizing your materials, and practicing regularly, you’ll have a solid foundation to not only pass the exam but excel in your legal career.

Bar Exam Crackers offers comprehensive Ontario Bar Exam Prep resources to support you on this journey. Whether it’s practice exams, summaries, or personalized tutoring, these tools are designed to help you prepare, perform, and pass the Ontario bar exams!